TOLONG BANTU JAWAB!! What Hideous Creatures One sunny day,a very forgeful professor got down on a grassy bank and began to look at yhe insects through his magniyfing glass. Now when the professor left for home,he forgot all about his magniyfing glass,so straigh away all the insects gathered round. “This is just the thing we need!” And they jumoed for joy. “When the birds fly down to gobble us up,we’ll give them a fright for a changel!”… and so they did. The birds had never seen such hideous creatures.they took off squawking with fright and never flew down again. Cari kalimat “noun phrase” dari teks diatas.

Saran jawaban terbaik dari IowaJournalist untuk Anda:


Hideous creatures
vey forgetgul professor
grassy bank
magnifying glass

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