The seahorse is a small species of vertebrate that is found in the tropical shallows and temperate waters around the world. The seahorse is also commonly found around coral reefs where there is plenty of food and places for the seahorse to hide. They have a long, flexible tail which is used for wrapping around weeds for support. They swim upright position, their movements being helped by a rapidly oscillating fin on their back.The most remarkable fact about the seahorse is that part of the reproduction process is taken over by the male of the species. Once the female seahorse has laid her eggs in the male’s brooding pouch, she leaves. The hatching of the egg is done by the male fish.Mating begins with the male and the female seahorses doing courtship dance. They swim around each other in circles. At the end of the dance, the male appears to bow to its partner; but actually, the male is banding to pump water from his pouch.Next the female seahorse lays her eggs into the male’s pouch. Anywhere between 8 and 600 eggs are laid, depending on the species of seahorse. The pouch then closes up. The female seahorse now swims away, leaving the male seahorse to do the hatching. The eggs are hatched about a month later. The young seahorses are ejected from the pouch by means of muscular contractions.1. What is the purpose of the text?A. to describe what a seahorse looks likeB. to argue that seahorses are unique fishC. to provide factual information about seahorsesD. to explain how seahorses reproduce themselvesE. to inform that seahorses live in the sea2. We know form the text that … .A. seahorses eat weeds for their foodB. the male seahorse do the hatchingC. seahorses are tiny horsesD. the female seahorse keeps eggs in her pouchE. the female seahorse doesn’t eat fish during pregnancy3. Where do seahorses find food?A. around coral reefsB. on sea floorC. among seaweedsD. on shoresE. under stones4. How does the seahorse swing its fin?A. with its backB. with its positionC. with its flexible tailD. with a slow mannerE. with a fast movement5. What makes seahorses remarkable?A. its sizeB. its reproduction processC. its shapeD. its respiratory systemE. its rapid movement

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