Saran jawaban terbaik dari IowaJournalist untuk Anda:
1. – She wailed so hard that it wakes up her neighbor.
– He failed on Math test, so he cried and wailed loudly
2. – Keeping people safe is police’s duty
– I’ve done my duty.
3. – I have to write essays if I want to enroll university abroad.
– He said that he was impressed with my essays.
4. – Don’t forget to put the commas after the end of sentences. (huruf koma)
– She’s in comma for 2 weeks (kondisi koma)
5. – He was so frivolous that everyone hated him.
– Frivolous is a bad attitude.
6. – I have an advanced skill of fixing the bicycle.
– Pay the rent in advance
7. – The lizard is squinched in my door’s hinge
– I’m squinched among the people
8. -He moaned hard when the nurse stitched his wound.
– She moaned when accidentally fell upon the stairs.
9. – His story was pitiful.
– He played a role as a pitiful beggar.
10. – I feel so guilty after eating noodles.
– He was feeling guilty after leaving me alone.
11. – I looked at my ceilings
– There’s a night sky poster on my ceiling
12. – She is in desperate condition
– He was desperate to find a job.
13. – The seats are only for private guests
– I just bought a private island.
14. – Standing close to the edge of a cliff is scary.
– Don’t put your glasses on the edge it might fall off.
15. – He waited for his friend in front of the hedge.
– His hedge is collapsed.
16. – Before independence era,Indonesian people were used to be tortured by colonialist.
– There were so many tortured people on that incident.
– He failed on Math test, so he cried and wailed loudly
2. – Keeping people safe is police’s duty
– I’ve done my duty.
3. – I have to write essays if I want to enroll university abroad.
– He said that he was impressed with my essays.
4. – Don’t forget to put the commas after the end of sentences. (huruf koma)
– She’s in comma for 2 weeks (kondisi koma)
5. – He was so frivolous that everyone hated him.
– Frivolous is a bad attitude.
6. – I have an advanced skill of fixing the bicycle.
– Pay the rent in advance
7. – The lizard is squinched in my door’s hinge
– I’m squinched among the people
8. -He moaned hard when the nurse stitched his wound.
– She moaned when accidentally fell upon the stairs.
9. – His story was pitiful.
– He played a role as a pitiful beggar.
10. – I feel so guilty after eating noodles.
– He was feeling guilty after leaving me alone.
11. – I looked at my ceilings
– There’s a night sky poster on my ceiling
12. – She is in desperate condition
– He was desperate to find a job.
13. – The seats are only for private guests
– I just bought a private island.
14. – Standing close to the edge of a cliff is scary.
– Don’t put your glasses on the edge it might fall off.
15. – He waited for his friend in front of the hedge.
– His hedge is collapsed.
16. – Before independence era,Indonesian people were used to be tortured by colonialist.
– There were so many tortured people on that incident.
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