Contoh Dialog banjir dalam bahasa inggris minimal 20 , Terdapat cause & effect ( Sebab & akibat ) dalam dialognya

Berikut adalah jawaban terbaik yang telah kurasi untuk Anda:


A : hey where were you yesterday, B?
B : i just got a little disaster thats why i didnt go to school
A : what was that little disaster B?
B : a river near with my house was flooding my village
A : oh im sorry B
B : no its okay just a little flood
A : are you and your family okay?
B : yeah we are okay but the some of the victims got some problem
A : whats that?
B : they feel really itchy and we have no food and water. we can drink a glass of clean water
A : why did the flood happen?
B : its because some people threw their garbages in the river and it makes the river goes up and flooded my village
A : now after the flood will they clean up the river or not?
B : of course they will because they already knew that the flood is really dangerous 

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